埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2024-5-22 10:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2024-5-22 11:25 编辑
8 k1 O8 g4 K! I* A) {& W& b9 Y% ]( Q
地址:91 2051 TOWNE CENTRE Boulevard
7 C* a1 K1 {# x" w0 z6 I  B8 m* e2 Z
售价: $329,900  I( i, v/ L) B: R2 I* h

+ t6 L* }5 ?; ~/ i1 x# G! |9 ]8 B3 r联系方式:老杨团队5 P: k( `5 R( K

4 H: P- }' E1 H- v3 ?/ uhttp://www.fanyangteam.com  i8 ~7 H7 v" B: o2 y  _1 l
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Terwillegar优质排屋!这间“把边儿”好房仅单侧有邻,安静无喧扰!! j, }2 E* K: f" D7 j9 J- r

& O2 Y& i6 K  q& H$ g, J好房位置优越!临近Terwillegar Recreation Centre、公交车站,顶级名校就在家门口,让孩子轻松入学!$ h: X; J) q+ N8 i( t
, r4 }- H9 T8 m# Y
( E7 p9 D0 N7 [) _8 T' l# n
4 u5 e1 P+ m# b拾级而上,二楼铺设了舒适地毯,两间宽敞主卧各设有独立卫浴间、可步入式衣橱。好房还更换了全新锅炉,南向前院藩篱合围,可直达隔热双车库。好房坐拥核心优质地段,便利直达双语初中、购物中心,周边商超齐全!驱车轻抵Anthony Henday,交通便利!# P7 d5 a( z- f. F+ t. v7 ]" n* M/ A

, R+ [; C) b  {  X, n8 S- N万事俱备!诚邀品鉴!
8 Y9 K0 D$ L8 R1 Y2 u2 L; r5 U6 s) \
Welcome to Mosaic Ridge in the energetic neighbourhood of Terwillegar! This very well-maintained END UNIT townhome features premium location across Terwillegar Recreation Centre, Transit Center and top high school in Edmonton. The main floor embrace a modern elegant open concept plan, with large windows on both end as well as on the side. Hardwood floor throughout. Gourmet kitchen with lots of cabinets and countertop spaces and a raised serving bar, ss appliance included (new dishwasher). Large back window oversees the conveniently located visitor parking. Upper level with comfy carpets and double primary bedrooms of great size, each has its own en-suite bath and walk-in closet . The home also comes with new furnace, south facing fenced front yard, and direct access to insulated double garage. Easy access to bilingual junior high, shopping, grocery , Anthony Henday and many more. Cannot miss!
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